Correction Kit.
Contains all the products needed to quickly correct your pool water
The Summer Smiles CORRECT KIT corrects algae and cloudy water problems in 48 hours GUARANTEED! This kit is also recommended for making opening your pool easier in the spring.
Your kit contains
- 1x 300 g Shok Ultra / pouch
- 1x 125 g Clarita / box of tablets
- 3x 500 g Shok Correct / pouch
Other products not included in kit that may be required:
- Summer Smiles pH +
- Summer Smiles pH –
Use this kit to:
- Get rid of algae
- Clear up cloudy water
- Corrects coloured water in 48 hours
- Also great for opening pools quickly
Format : 1.92 kg
Correct Kit, Summer Smiles
SKU: 30 07473 98